Disaster Timeline

A clear spring day turns to chaos.

Lesser Slave River’s boards, committees, foundations, and commissions provide an invaluable service to the municipality by providing high-level guidance and expertise on specific policy areas or topics. In addition, one of the duties of a Councillor is to participate in various committees established by Council and meetings of other external boards and commissions to which the municipality is a member.


Appointments of elected members are made annually at the organizational meeting of Council held in October or the meeting following the organizational meeting.

Council remains committed to representation on all MD boards and committees reflective of – and responsive to – our region’s residents and business owners. Public participation also contributes to the work of municipal government and provides an important service to the community when a variety of issues, concerns and viewpoints, are presented.

Contact Information

Lana Spencer
Executive Assistant

Email lana.spencer (@) mdlsr.ca
Phone 780.849.4888
Toll-Free 1.866.449.4888
Fax 780.849.4939
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Financial Disclosure Reports

The MD is committed to transparency and accountability. Review the monthly financial disclosure statements of the Reeve and Councillors.
Learn More

General Boards and Committees

Inter-Municipal Committee

The Inter-Municipal Committee consists of members from both the MD and the Town of Slave Lake, where issues of mutual concern are discussed. The Committee strives to maintain a good working relationship between the two municipalities.

Community Assistance Board

The MD believes that local recreational, social, cultural, educational and athletic initiatives and programs provide a solid foundation for the physical and mental well being of everyone who lives and works within the region. In this spirit, the MD provides budgeted funding assistance for community opportunities, initiatives and programming. The new Community Assistance Board Policy is designed as a framework to help qualified applicants receive this funding.

Local & Composite Assessment Review Board

The Local Assessment Review Board is composed of trained local members that are appointed by Council. This board will hear complaints about non-assessment matters (e.g. local improvement tax); and assessments of residential properties with three or less dwelling units and farm land.

The Composite Assessment Review Board is composed of two trained local members and one provincially approved member who will be the presiding officer. This board will hear complaints about assessments for all property in the municipality, excluding residential properties with three or less dwelling units and farm land (unless subject to the jurisdiction of the Municipal Government Board).

Slave Lake Airport Services Commission

The purpose of the committee is to ensure that the Slave Lake airport remains open and remains at the standard and level of service the area requires. The committee consists of three members from the Town of Slave Lake and three members from the MD. The Town of Slave Lake is responsible for day-to-day operations.

Agricultural Services Boards and Committees

Agricultural Service Board

The purpose of this board is to promote agriculture for the MD and to assist with new projects. The board also sets goals and objectives, prepares a yearly budget, plans projects with the Agriculture Fieldman for the year, and assists with different workshops as well as completing the performance of the Agricultural Fieldman annually.

Veterinary Services Incorporated (VSI)

This is a program for veterinary service on domestic cattle, hogs, sheep and goats raised or grown for the production of food. The municipality (combined with grant funding) subsidizes eligible veterinary costs to producers resided within the MD.

Weed Control Act Appeal Panel & Agriculture Pest Act Appeal Committee

An appeal process can be initiated by a person who has been given an inspector’s notice, local authority’s notice or debt recovery notice. An appeal will be heard and determined by an independent appeal panel. Local authorities are delegated to administer, direct and enforce within their jurisdiction.

Economic Development Boards and Committees

Community Futures – Slave Lake Region

Community Futures are non-profit organizations guided by a volunteer board of directors and staffed with business professionals who together are actively engaged in helping to develop and implement community-based economic development strategies.

Community Futures – Tawatinaw

Tawatinaw Community Futures is a not for profit government funded corporation and provides small business counseling, assistance with business plans, business loans, entrepreneurial training and community economic development assistance to community partners.

Slave Lake Chamber of Commerce

Slave Lake Chamber of Commerce is a self-sufficient, community focused organization providing leadership through innovative ideas, growing opportunities and supporting local commerce.

Northern Alberta Development Council/Northern Alberta Elected Leaders

The Northern Alberta Development Council advances the promise of Alberta's North. NADC’s mandate is to help the region’s 150 communities and 350,000 people realize their rich potential and strengthen their diverse economies. The Council is made up of a dedicated group of provincial and local leaders and staff tasked with producing quality regional development information, supporting education and skills enhancement programs and building strategic partnerships.

Community Economic Development Initiative

The purpose of CEDI is to build strong relationships between First Nations and their neighbouring municipalities, as well as encompass a joint economic development program to ensure economic sustainability into the future. By participating in the CEDI program, the MD will be able to have economic development long-term strategic planning with the Sawridge First Nation and the Town of Slave Lake, as well as engage in peer mentoring, become a community of practice, and be eligible for community capacity-building grants.

Outcomes of the program include a toolkit for other municipalities and First Nations in Canada to use to practice joint-economic development planning, and solution sheets to common challenges faced by such joint planning activities.

Library Boards

Peace Library System

Peace Library System works cooperatively with municipalities and public libraries to stay on top of the trends and changes in the library world to assist libraries in offering the best possible services to their patrons.

As a member of the Board, that member acts in a position of trust for the community, and is responsible for the effective governance of the Peace Library System. The Board consists of one appointee from each of the member participating municipalities and one representative of the Resource Library (Grande Prairie Public Library).

Slave Lake Regional Library Board

The board consists of eight members. Their role is to formulate policy, oversee running of the Slave Lake and area libraries (including Smith and Flatbush libraries).

Planning & Development Boards and Committees

Subdivision & Development Appeal Board

This board meets only when a Development Permit has been refused or the permit holder is unsatisfied with the conditions placed upon the development. When these hearings are held, any person affected by the development has the right to present.

Municipal Planning Commission

The Commission acts as the Subdivision Authority for the Municipal District pursuant to the provisions of the Land Use Bylaw. Bylaw 2011-02 was created to establish a Municipal Planning Commission.

Upper Athabasca Steering Committee

The Province of Alberta has been divided into regional land use planning regions. Each region will have a Regional Advisory Council (RAC), which will advise the Province on the creation of a regional land use plan. The RAC’s are made up of a variety of stakeholder representatives, including municipal representatives.

Lakeshore Management Committee

The Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124 and the Municipal District of Big Lakes formed the Lakeshore Management Committee in an effort to get in front of the regional planning process as it affects the Lesser Slave Lake area. Some items discussed so far include the possible economic and tourism development among the lakeshore and the possibility of new hamlets in the M.D. of Big Lakes.

Senior & Housing Boards

Lesser Slave Lake Regional Housing Authority

The authority strives to provide decent, low cost, subsidized housing programs to qualified applicants in the Lesser Slave Lake area.

The authority is governed by a seven member board with representation from Councils of the MD of Opportunity, Town of Slave Lake, MD 124 as well citizens at large from the MD and TOSL, appointees of the B.E.S. Legion of Slave Lake and local representative of the Metis Nation of Alberta.

Homeland Housing

Westlock Foundation is now merged with Sturgeon Foundation forming Homeland Housing. Homeland Housing manages seniors housing facilities and offers four different living options: Independent Living (Self-Contained apartments), Supportive Living (Lodge units), Supportive Housing (high-rise apartment and walk up apartment in Westlock), and Affordable Housing (apartments). It is our responsibility to ensure all residents receive the best possible care, with the utmost skill and efficiency, and with the greatest of personal consideration and tenderness. Homeland Housing is an amalgamation of Sturgeon Foundation and Westlock Foundation, which took effect on January 1, 2017. The Homeland Housing region includes: City of St. Albert, Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124, Sturgeon County, Town of Bon Accord, Town of Gibbons, Town of Legal, Town of Morinville, Town of Redwater, Town of Westlock, Village of Clyde and Westlock County.

Tri-Council Subcommittees

Economic Development Committee

The EDC was formed to act in an advisory capacity to the Slave Lake Regional Tri-Council by making recommendations pertaining to economic development matters and to provide advice and direction to the Economic Development Officer in the development and implementation of an on economic development strategy and annual operational plan with the desire to generate balanced growth in a socially and environmentally responsible manner to the benefit of the Tri-Council member communities.

Health Committee

The Health Committee will advocate for solutions to health related issues and concerns, to other levels of government, health care service deliverers, agencies and advisory bodies.

Lesser Slave Lake Region FireSmart Committee

The FireSmart Committee is to take a holistic approach to the implementation of the philosophy, culture and practice of FireSmart to the Lesser Slave Lake Region. It will work towards reducing the risk to human life, communities, resources and infrastructure from the threat of wildfire; promote FireSmart principles and concepts within stakeholder organizations; educate the public and stakeholders on FireSmart; and, work cooperatively to plan and prepare for effective response to future wildfire situations.

The Committee will include the following nine voting members; two public, one oilfield, one forestry, one ESRD, one electric utilities, one SFN, one elected official from the TOSL and MD.

Regional Wellness Advisory Committee

The Committee was formed to act in an advisory capacity to the Lesser Slave Lake Region by making recommendations pertaining to the community wellness matters. The Committee will provide advice and direction to the Regional Wellness Coordinator.

Wildfire Legacy Corporation

In May 2011, wildfires tore through the Slave Lake Region devastating our communities through the loss of homes, businesses and community facilities. In the wake of these wildfires, twelve petroleum companies came together with a $6.4 million donation and consulted with the Town of Slave Lake, Municipal District Lesser Slave River, Sawridge First Nation and local stakeholders on ideas for a lasting legacy project. This led to plans for a new multi-purpose family oriented space, currently called the Legacy Centre. The Government of Alberta further supported this project with funding. Fundraising is currently underway by the Legacy Centre Fundraising Committee and the Corporation. Construction started in September 2014 and the facility is expected to open early in 2016.

Waste Management Commissions

Lesser Slave Regional Waste Management Services Commission

The commission is made up of Town of Slave Lake and MD of Lesser Councillors to oversee the management of the landfill, formulate policy, and authorizes expenditures and budget.

Athabasca Regional Waste Management Services Commission

The ARWMSC was established by a Provincial Government order in Council in 1999. The Waste Commission is a corporation under the MGA section 15.1 The commission is made up of members from Athabasca County, the MD of Lesser Slave River, Town of Athabasca, and the Village of Boyle.

Watershed Councils

Lesser Slave Lake Watershed Council

The Lesser Slave Lake Watershed Council is a non-profit group of volunteers who work with the provincial government to maintain the health of the Lesser Slave Watershed. Members of the council are representatives from towns, municipalities, first nation communities, industries, cottage owners, non-profit organizations as well as recreation and tourism groups who have an interest in how the waters of Lesser Slave Lake and its tributaries are managed. The Integrated Watershed Management Plan can be viewed Here.

Athabasca Watershed Council

The AWC-WPAC is a designated Watershed Planning and Advisory Council (WPAC) working in partnership with the Government of Alberta towards achieving the goals of the Water for Life strategy:

  • Safe, secure drinking water
  • Healthy aquatic ecosystems
  • Reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy

Welcome to Lesser Slave River

Just a few hours due north of Edmonton lies the remarkable region of Lesser Slave River. From breathtaking expanses of boreal forest and unspoiled natural wonders to a thriving economy and genuine work/life balance, opportunities abound.

Here you'll discover a place of rugged beauty. A place of real people. A place you'll never want to leave.

Reeve Murray Kerik
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no. 124

Tangent Civic

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