Seniors Assistance Programs

Age-friendly inclusion, support and assistance.

The MD values its senior residents and understands that providing additional care and community support to this group is vital. This includes the provision of financial assistance and community support services including those listed below.

The MD is committed to providing its senior residents with quality services and to ensuring their availability and ease of use. The services listed below are provided through the Government of Alberta's Special Needs Assistance for Seniors program and focus on two main areas: financial assistance with medical travel and financial assistance with a variety of special needs.

If you wish to enroll in the program or require additional information, please call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1.877.644.9992 or visit the Seniors and Housing section of the Government of Alberta website.

Contact Information

Peggy Laing
Administrative Assistant, Rural Services

Email peggy.laing (@)
Phone 780.681.3239
Toll-Free 1.866.681.3239
Fax 780.681.3936

Seniors Property Tax Assistance Program

The MD offers a program that provides relief to low-income senior residents for the municipal portion of their annual property taxes. The application deadline is December first of the current taxation year. To be eligible for this program, you must:

  • Be a residential property owner in the MD
  • Live in this residence
  • Own NO OTHER real estate property
  • Own the property for a minimum of one year
  • Be a minimum of 65 years of age
  • Meet the minimum income guidelines for the Alberta Senior Benefit Program

Seniors Tax Assistance Resources

Eligibility for Special Needs Assistance

To be considered for the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors programs, you must:

  • Be enrolled in the Alberta Seniors Benefit program or submit a Seniors Financial Assistance application
  • Be 65 or older
  • Be an Alberta resident
  • Not have voluntarily deferred the receipt of Old Age Security

A single senior with a total combined annual income of $26,200 or less, or a senior couple with a total combined annual income of $42,500 or less may be eligible to receive assistance. If you receive a SNA benefit, you may be asked to provide receipts (an accounting) for the goods and/or services funded by the program.

The benefit year starts July 1 of one year and finishes June 30 of the following year. Special Needs Assistance eligibility is based on the date of service (the date the item or service was purchased).

If your request for benefits is denied or if you disagree with the amount of benefits you receive, you can appeal the decision.

If you wish to enrol in the Special Needs Assistance program or require additional information, please call the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1.877.644.9992 or visit the Government of Alberta website for information.

Other Regional Seniors Assistance Resources

Help with Medical Travel

Assistance is provided for medical trips greater than 100 kilometers (round trip) to see a medical specialist or for medical testing/treatment. A report from the medical specialist or medical facility specifying the dates of the appointment and confirmation of attendance is required.

Medical trips are funded based on a per diem amount, taking into consideration distance travelled, transportation costs, meals, and parking. It is not necessary to submit receipts for these items. If you stayed overnight and paid for accommodations, you will be required to submit the receipt. A maximum of $75 per night is funded. Receipts must be in the name of the senior or the senior's spouse. Meal costs are considered on travel days only.

For more information on the Special Needs Assistance program and general eligibility, please see below.

General Financial Assistance Resources

The Special Needs Assistance (SNA) for Seniors program provides a lump-sum payment to eligible low-income seniors. This program provides assistance with some of the cost of appliances, health and personal supports, minor home repairs, and some medical costs. Please visit the Government of Alberta website for information on special needs assistance resources for seniors.

A senior's total annual income, residence and marital status, and the items requested are used to determine the amount funded. The maximum assistance available is $5,000 in a benefit year.


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