Mission, Vision and Values

A place of rugged beauty and real adventure.

Commonly referred to as “Lesser Slave River” or simply “The MD,” the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124 is a governing body in north-central Alberta, Canada. Its main administrative office is situated just outside the Town of Slave Lake, about three hours north of Edmonton.

The MD takes its namesake from Lesser Slave River, which drains Lesser Slave Lake into the Athabasca River. These waterways were the main links to the Peace River district until the Northern Alberta Railway appeared in the early 20th century.

On May 15, 2011, historic wildfires struck the area. Elements conspired to destroy large parts of the Town and surrounding communities. The actions of the MD and its residents stand as a living testament to the region’s “Rugged & Real” motto.

Contact Information

Lana Spencer
Executive Assistant

Email lana.spencer (@) mdlsr.ca
Phone 780.849.4888
Toll-Free 1.866.449.4888
Fax 780.849.4939

Identity Statement

We are the MD of Lesser Slave River No. 124. Our land is big, beautiful and clean with green pastures, clear waters, sandy beaches and boreal forests, nourished by the Lesser Slave, Pembina and Athabasca rivers. We are rugged and real!

Mission Statement

We manage and develop the infrastructure of our MD to protect the inherent beauty of our landscape. We provide stability and opportunities for growth, for businesses, and for the individuals who live here.

Our Vision

In the coming years, we will:

  • Capitalize on our geographic location to realize our potential as a major route to the North and the Pacific
  • Leverage our renewable resources to provide sustainable infrastructure with responsible taxation.
  • Pursue opportunities for concentrated processing of our resources at Mitsue Industrial Park, and where infrastructure, environment and lifestyle warrant
  • Plan our communities with consideration for environmental impact, design integrity, segregation of use, the nature of neighbourhoods, placement and type of local improvements, and a sense of privacy and space in rural settings
  • Support initiatives for community halls, common green spaces and places for recreation and socializing
  • Provide opportunities for youth and stability for seniors. We will sustain the municipality as a place where prosperity is the norm, and where people are equipped to care for themselves, for the land, and for one another

Our Values

  • We serve our municipality with respect for the environment and the people who have placed their trust in us
  • We are called to be good stewards and faithful guardians of the land for future generations
  • We see the traditional farm family as the building block of agriculture in our region
  • We believe that fellowship, generosity, and compassion are foundations for strong, sustainable communities
  • We cherish the crown lands and provincial parks within our bounds
  • We welcome visitors who are mindful of the land and the communities that we love
  • We foster a sense of history, of pride in our surroundings, and of gratitude for the people and places that enrich our lives

Welcome to Lesser Slave River

Just a few hours due north of Edmonton lies the remarkable region of Lesser Slave River. From breathtaking expanses of boreal forest and unspoiled natural wonders to a thriving economy and genuine work/life balance, opportunities abound.

Here you'll discover a place of rugged beauty. A place of real people. A place you'll never want to leave.

Reeve Murray Kerik
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no. 124

Tangent Civic

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