Agricultural Links

Resources to help our region's producers prosper.

The following links have been curated by Lesser Slave River's Agricultural Services department to help regional producers quickly find the information and resources that help them manage their operations.
From gaining a better understanding of government regulations and leveraging environmental best practices to getting confidential mental health support, links to a variety of third-party resources for the agricultural community can be found below.

Stress and Mental Health Resources for Producers

Alberta Farmer Express

Serving Canada’s second-largest agricultural province, Alberta Farmer Express is widely recognized as the place where Alberta farmers and ranchers find out what’s happening in agriculture, whether it’s on local farms or on farms around the world.

Alberta Mental Health Help Line

One in 5 Canadians, including Albertans, will experience a mental illness in their lifetime and the remaining four will be affected by the mental health issues of a loved one. Call the Mental Health Help Line at 1.877.303.2642 or dial 811.

Canadian Mental Health Association

As the nationwide leader and champion for mental health, CMHA facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.

Stats from the Do More Agriculture Foundation




Thirty Five Percent of producers met the criteria for Depression classification.


High Stress

Forty Five percent of producers were classified as having High Stress.



Fifty Eight percent of producers met the criteria for Anxiety classification.

Government Links and Resources

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides information, research, technology, policies and programs for security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth. Visit this website for economic and market information and programs.

Alberta Insect Pest Monitoring Network

Insect Pests can cause significant economic losses. Get timely and accurate insect management information and resources for Alberta’s agricultural industry. Track insect populations and find Insect Forecast Maps to help plan your management on your farm.

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry

Supports the growth, diversification and sustainability of Alberta’s agriculture and forest industries. A vast amount of information, research, and news pertaining to Alberta and its agriculture is supplied on this Government of Alberta website.

Alberta Invasive Species Council

Information on invasive plants in Alberta is available on this website, along with methods of controlling them.

Alberta Environment & Parks

Alberta Environment is dedicated to protecting and enhancing Alberta’s natural environment. Find information on programs, legislation and reports on Alberta’s environment, plus information on the latest news and management of Alberta’s natural resources.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

This agency is dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada’s people, environment and economy. On this website you'll find information on food, plants, pests, animals and diseases.

Farm Management and Marketing Resources

Alberta Barley Commission

Alberta Barley is a farmer-directed, not-for-profit organization representing Alberta’s barley farmers. Alberta Barley collects a mandatory, but refundable, check-off and reinvests it to grow the barley industry—and its profitability.

Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen

A useful website that provides information, news, and events on Alberta’s agriculture, Agricultural Service Boards, and Agricultural Fieldmen.

Alberta Canola Producers Commission

The mandate of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission is to increase the long term profitability of Alberta canola growers through research, promotional activities, consumer and producer education programs, and policy development.

Crop Applications & Tools

On the Alberta Agriculture website, under the decision making tools tab, there are multiple calculators that range from cereal seeding calculators to crop return calculators and even livestock feed calculators.

Alberta Wheat Commission

The Alberta Wheat Commission is a provincial grower organization operating under the auspices of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act and funded by a mandatory refundable service charge that is used to support the organization’s strategic priorities.

Farmer Pesticide Certification Course

The Farmer Pesticide Certification course is a tool intended to help farmers to reduce risks associated with pesticide use. This course is recommended under the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan, but is also mandatory for farmers who wish to use restricted pesticides that require certification.

Livestock Resources

Alberta Beef Producers

Alberta Beef Producers is a strong, clear, and representative voice speaking and working on behalf of cattle and beef producers in Alberta and contributing to a vigorous and profitable beef industry.

Canadian Cattle Identification Agency

The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency is a non-profit, industry led organization established to promote and protect animal health and food safety concerns in the Canadian cattle herd. Forms, regulations, news, procedure guidelines, and more.

Livestock Identification Services

Livestock Identification Services Ltd. is known for providing inspection services to livestock producers in Alberta.

Environmental Resources

Cows and Fish

The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, more commonly known as ‘Cows and Fish’ strives to foster a better understanding of how improvements in grazing and other management of riparian areas can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of landowners, agricultural producers, communities and others who use and value riparian areas.

Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. This website is full of information about Ducks Unlimited, frequently asked questions, news, and facts.

Natural Resources Conservation Board

The Natural Resources Conservation Board reviews proposals for projects that affect Alberta’s non-energy natural resources, and regulates Alberta’s confined feeding operations. This website includes information on NRCB guides, forms and legislation

Professional Vegetation Management Association

The Industrial Vegetation Management Association of Alberta provides communication and educational opportunities in the area of industrial vegetation management. This website provides information on events, articles, and publications regarding vegetation.

Welcome to Lesser Slave River

Just a few hours due north of Edmonton lies the remarkable region of Lesser Slave River. From breathtaking expanses of boreal forest and unspoiled natural wonders to a thriving economy and genuine work/life balance, opportunities abound.

Here you'll discover a place of rugged beauty. A place of real people. A place you'll never want to leave.

Reeve Murray Kerik
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no. 124

Tangent Civic

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