Meet Your Councillors

The municipal elected of Lesser Slave River.

Lesser Slave River Council is comprised of a Reeve elected at large, and six Councillors representing two municipal divisions. Division 1 includes the communities of Flatbush, Chisholm, Hondo and Smith. Division 2 includes Mitsue, Marten Beach, Canyon Creek, Widewater and the land adjacent to the Town of Slave Lake.

Contact Information

Lana Spencer
Executive Assistant

Email lana.spencer (@)
Phone 780.849.4888
Toll-Free 1.866.449.4888
Fax 780.849.4939
Murray Kerik<br />Reeve of Lesser Slave River
Murray Kerik
Reeve of Lesser Slave River

Reeve Murray Kerik

Since autumn 2012, Murray Kerik has had the honour and privilege of serving as Reeve for the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no.124. From his civic education first as Councillor, and now as Reeve, he has learned that there’s no shortage of challenges and opportunities in office of the MD. Reeve Kerik is a third-generation resident and highly active member of the municipal district he is tasked daily with leading.

In his previous two terms on Council for the MD, Reeve Kerik has played a vital role in helping steward the growth of this region with common sense and compassion.

With decades of experience as a fire fighter, rancher and public official under his belt, Reeve Kerik sees Lesser Slave River from a number of unique and equally valuable perspectives. These perspectives provide him with an important sense of balance when planning for the future of the community at large and weighing the interests of all involved.

Reeve Kerik realizes that in private and public sector alike, good communication is invaluable. Whether meeting with Councillors, talking with residents or discussing important issues with municipal neighbours, his goal as Reeve is to foster a culture of open and transparent two-way communication.

With a capable, committed staff and Council backing him, and with the valued ongoing participation of all MD residents, Reeve Kerik continues to help write the next chapter of this special northern Alberta region’s story. As a family man, a business owner and a dedicated public servant, it is a story that's very near and dear to his heart.

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Director of Legacy Board
  • Inter-Municipal Committee (TOSL)
  • Northern Alberta Development Council/Northern Alberta Elected Leaders
  • Slave Lake Chamber of Commerce

Councillors of the MD of Lesser Slave River

Robert Esau<br />Councillor Division 1
Robert Esau
Councillor Division 1

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Agricultural Service Board
  • Athabasca Regional Waste Management Services Commission
  • Athabasca Watershed Council (alternate)
  • Economic Development Committee
  • Lesser Slave Lake Region Waste Management Services Commission
  • Slave Lake Airport Services Commission
  • Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Veterinary Services Incorporated (alternate)
Sandra Melzer<br />Councillor Division 1
Sandra Melzer
Councillor Division 1

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Agricultural Service Board
  • Athabasca Regional Waste Management
  • Athabasca Watershed Management (alternate)
  • Community Futures Slave Lake Region
  • Homeland Housing
  • Peace Library System (alternate)
  • Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Veterinary Services Incorporated
Becky Peiffer<br />Councillor Division 1
Becky Peiffer
Councillor Division 1

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Tri-Council Health Advocacy Committee (alternate)
  • Municipal Planning Commission
  • Slave Lake Regional Library Board
  • Weed & Pest Appeal Board
Brad Pearson<br />Councillor Division 2
Brad Pearson
Councillor Division 2

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Community Futures Slave Lake Region Inter-Municipal Committee (TOSL)
  • Lesser Slave Lake Regional Housing Authority
  • Lesser Slave Lake Regional Waste Management Services Commission
  • Local Assessment Review Board / Composite Assessment Review Board
  • Peace Library Systems
  • Slave Lake Watershed Council (alternate)
  • Slave Lake Airport Services Commission
  • Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Tri-Council Health Advocacy Committee
Darcie Acton<br />Councillor Division 2
Darcie Acton
Councillor Division 2

Board & Committee Appointments

  • Slave Lake Airport Services Commission
  • Municipal Planning Commission
  • Slave Lake Chamber of Commerce
  • Tri-Council Health Advocacy Committee

In Memoriam

Jeff Commins<br />Councillor Division 2
Jeff Commins
Councillor Division 2

Councillor Jeff Commins passed away November 8, 2020 at the age of 69. Halfway through his second term on Council, he passed away following a diagnosis of cancer earlier in the year.

Jeff was a passionate and caring community leader who bettered the region through years of exemplary civic service.

Brian Rosche<br />Councillor Division 2
Brian Rosche
Councillor Division 2

It is with profound sadness that MD Council and Administration announce the passing of Councillor Brian Rosche. Brian left us August 16, 2020 in Widewater, Alberta at the relatively young age of 68.

A beloved father, husband, colleague and community leader, Brian will be missed by all who knew him.


Welcome to Lesser Slave River

Just a few hours due north of Edmonton lies the remarkable region of Lesser Slave River. From breathtaking expanses of boreal forest and unspoiled natural wonders to a thriving economy and genuine work/life balance, opportunities abound.

Here you'll discover a place of rugged beauty. A place of real people. A place you'll never want to leave.

Reeve Murray Kerik
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no. 124

Tangent Civic

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