Lesser Slave River News

Interdepartmental News and Resources

Spot Something not Quite Right?

Spot Something not Quite Right?

MD employees work hard to keep the region running smoothly, but they can't be everywhere at once...and there's a lot of ground to cover in Lesser Slave River. If you spot something that's not quie right, submit an action request and the MD will escalate your issue in accordance with severity and available resources.

Often, the eyes and ears of residents can be the MD's first sign that something's wrong. The MD's issue reporting tool is a quick, convenient and confidential way for the public to bring issues to the attention of different Lesser Slave River departments.

[button size="mini" type="info" link="/contact/report-an-issue" target="_blank"]REPORT AN ISSUE[/button]

Please remember: in the event of a FIRE, POLICE, MEDICAL or other emergency requiring immediate assistance: DIAL 911.

Welcome to Lesser Slave River

Just a few hours due north of Edmonton lies the remarkable region of Lesser Slave River. From breathtaking expanses of boreal forest and unspoiled natural wonders to a thriving economy and genuine work/life balance, opportunities abound.

Here you'll discover a place of rugged beauty. A place of real people. A place you'll never want to leave.

Reeve Murray Kerik
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no. 124

Tangent Civic

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